
Notes from deploying a python FastAPI app on using an async postgres connection.

Connecting to async postgres

You can attach your app to the postgres cluster using flyctl postgres attach --app <app-name> <postgres-app-name>, but the DATABASE_URL they set in your secrets will not work with async postgres. Instead, after you run the attach command you wil need to reset the secret yourself using:

flyctl secrets set DATABASE_URL=postgresql+asyncpg://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<POSTGRES_APP_NAME>.internal:5432/<DATABASE_NAME>

Connecting to your remote postgres database locally

flyctl proxy <LOCAL_PORT_YOU_WANT>:5432 -a <POSTGRES_APP_NAME>


I couldn't get a Procfile working and instead set a process entry in the fly.toml file. It's important to bind to port 8080 as that is what is expecting.

web = "gunicorn -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker app.main:app --bind="

Running migrations

In order to run my alembic migrations, I added a [deploy] section to the fly.toml file with a release_command

  release_command = "alembic upgrade head"